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One in ten drivers ignore red X signs on smart motorways

One in ten drivers ignore red X signs on smart motorways

The emergency services and National Highways recently reminded drivers about the importance of responding to red X signs on smart motorways, after it was discovered that one in ten ignore them.

The red X sign is used to close a lane in which an obstruction is detected by cameras, such as a broken-down vehicle. Failure to move out of a lane displaying a red X sign can result in fine of up to £100 and three penalty points added to your driving licence. In some cases, more severe fine penalties or court appearances can be enforced.

The cameras are able to detect vehicles passing illegally under the red X signs, and police forces began prosecuting these offenders in 2019.

Surrey Police has issued 9,427 Notices of Intended Prosecution for red X offences since 2019.

Cameras enforced by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire road policing unit caught 300 red X offences on the M25 near Junction 20 on a single day in December 2018. The offences occurred amid emergency roadworks following a road traffic accident.

Chief Constable Jo Shiner, the National Police Chiefs' Council lead for Roads Policing, said: “Red X signals are in place on the motorway for your safety and the safety of others.

“Sadly, there are too many instances where motorists fail to comply with a red X signal and put others in incredible danger by driving in a closed lane. This is unacceptable and drivers who do so need to understand they face prosecution.”

Interestingly, RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams pointed out that red X signs displayed at the side of the road are much less visible than those positioned on the gantries directly above each lane, and that this might be a contributing factor in some offences.

He said, “For this reason, it would be helpful to know drivers’ reasons for not obeying red Xs. If it’s the case drivers say they hadn’t seen or understood signs at the side of the road then there may be an argument for installing more expensive gantry signage.”

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